Tuesday 26 June 2007

Change The Flight Plan 5

SHAH ALAM: Today (June 26) between 9am to 12.30pm, at least three planes, two C-130 Hercules transport planes and Transmile MD11 overflew the Sek Keb TTDI Jaya and Sek Men TTDI Jaya.

I do not want to talk about the noise (yes its loud) but with the schools almost a mile away from the runway, it certainly cannot be helped. But why do these planes overfly the schools when they have other routes to take?

Unfortunately, due to my lack of proper video equipment (my handycam ran out of battery) I did not got any shots of the three planes. When I shot the last Hercules flying over the primary school, I only got a one second video on my handphone. It was too short to post here.

Next time I will be ready. Surely they will do it again and again.

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