I am taking a new direction for this blog. Its not just about changing flight plan but also food plan. No more rice and flour, only protein, fat and good carbohydrates!
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Change The Flight Plan 9
SHAH ALAM: I am really in a dire need of a scanner. Thirty minutes after noon today (Sept 6) I was on the way to Sek Keb TTDI Jaya to sent my son.
As I was approaching the school, my better half saw a plane flying over the school. I looked to the left and saw the plane as it was it had its starboard wing just over the roof, at a height of about 500 feet AGL.
No time to whip out the good old camera. The plane passed over head and leveled out before going out of sight.
We waited at the school hoping for a second shot on the plane overflying the school but it did not return. I knew it was a RMAF plane but could not decided off-hand whether it was King Air or the twin-engine Cessna.
A quick check on my files confirmed that it was a twin-engine Cessna used for flight and navigator training and liaison flight. Similar to this one.
I can understand jets being flown acrobatically but can RMAF restrained its slow movers from doing such routines especially over schools?
-- Change The Flight Plan.
Posted by
Marhalim Abas
Monday, 6 August 2007
Change The Flight Plan 8
SHAH ALAM: Regular readers of this blog would have moticed the changes in the layout of this blog. Most noticably is the big picture of a Transmile MD-11 cargo plane in the header.
No, Transmile have not sponsored this blog. I wish they would do so but in the current situation I dont think they can afford me. Anyway I decided to put up the Transmile MD-11 as the picture header as they are the ones that usually fly over the schools in TTDI Jaya whenever they are conducting their pre-or-post maintenance flights. You can see the video in my earlier posts.
Furthermore the MD-1s make the loudest noise when taking off dirty, so they deserved the publicity!
Other operators notably RMAF and Malaysia Airlines tend to fly slightly further than the schools although these planes remained very close to the schools. But with the schools located so near to the active runway, I agree that it cannot be helped.
However, they could alwats change their flight plans. If they cannot avoid flying near the school, they could simply fly after school hours or over the weekend.
I wonder whether this could be done?
The first video was taken on July 30 of a RMAF Hercules taking off from Subang. The second one is another RMAF taking off on August 6. Both started flying about 5.30pm, they were flying pretty low with the gear down.
It was so near that you can hear the school's nell ringing in the background!
Posted by
Marhalim Abas